Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I think that the upcoming inauguration is one of the most pivotal moments in American History. For the first time ever a black man is becoming the president in the United States. Not only is this a great stride for black Americans but a symbol that anyone in America who, given a fair opportunity,  can do anything, and become anything they want. Also, I am cautious as to exalt Obama, because he has so much to live up to. People think he is the next best thing, but if he somehow fails America, like Bush, Americans will be crushed. 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

When I had a not-so-great secret I was keeping for a friend, I did lose some sleep thinking about it. I was conflicted with thoughts as to weather or not I should tell someone my friend's secret for his own good. It had a tiring effect on me because I was constantly thinking about what I should do. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So far I find the Scarlet Letter is confusing, and hard to read. When we talk about the book in class I enjoy the themes, symbolism and story-line. I think that I don't get alot out of the book because I read it just to get it done. Maybe when I'm older and have more free time, then I will be able to truly sit down and appreciate the Scarlet Letter.  

Monday, January 5, 2009

My New Year's resolution is to stop procrastinating. I'd like to stop putting of work until the last minute and stop waiting until the day before to cram for tests. I think my grades will improve vastly if  I stop the usual trend of  my procrastinating. But, I'll probably end up procrastinating and put of my New Year's resolution until next year.