Monday, December 8, 2008

Do you think young people today value their education as much as Sara Smolinsky does? Why or why not?

I don't think young people in this generation value their education as much as Sara. I think school today is anti-productive and teaches kids to hate learning. Kids who do value education are often overwhelmed with work, and have little personal time. It's almost impossible for a child to balance a job and school at the same time and still achieve A's. So in today's world, valuing education comes at a great cost to your personal time and childhood. 


RyanH said...

Great points made here Zach. I do believe time management plays a major role in students success in school and in his/her or personal lives. This was a good comparison to Sara's education.

MLevitt said...

I think that school can interfere with kids childhoods, but school is part of a normal childhood.

Minot said...

yes Migel, but if that means taking our childhoods away, it shouldn't be.