Saturday, October 17, 2009


When people ask me what college I want to go to after telling me about how they want to go to X University because they know it's "right" for them, I usually give a laconic "I don't know." Some people are amazed I don't know where I would like to attend and coin it as disinterest in college, but I am amazed at how some people do know where they would like to spend the next four years of their lives. To me, it seems as a lot of my friends want go to a certain school over another school for jejune reasons. When I ask why they want to go to a certain school many of them resort to the standard, hackneyed response of, "it just felt right when I visited." My parent's say I'm aloof from the issue of where I want go, but in reality I think about it everyday. I'm not looking for specialized programs or anything like that, so in truth most colleges look the same to me when I visit. I could see myself going to any of them. At this point, where I attend college will probably be a capricious decision.

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