Monday, October 12, 2009

Obama's Nobel

An issue that interests me and that I have followed closely since it began is Obama's reception of the legendary Noble Peace Prize. Obama's reception of the Nobel is causing politicians to have qualms concerning the "danger" of the prize. Some politicians feel that it will be a political "lead weight" for Obama, and other feel it was undesearved political bunkum. However, what those politicans don't understand is that the Nobel is not always awarded for a destination reached, but also for the herculean efforts of setting things on the right path, which is exactly what Obama is doing. Supporters of Obama's reception of the Nobel say he won it partly for not continuing the malevolent torture policies of George Bush and Dick Cheney. Conservative talk show media has taken a rather splenetic stand against Obama's reception of the Nobel, all for the wrong reasons, in my opinon. While Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize may remain a contested issue, I believe that Obamas reception of the Nobel is a Lilliputian matter compared to some of the biggest issues that face our country today, like healthcare, and Afghanistan.

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