Thursday, January 7, 2010

I am currently reading a book called Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. The book is about a slave race called the Skaa trying to rebel against the Lord Ruler who oppresses them. The Skaa are enslaved by the Lord Ruler's Noblemen and his inquisition. The main characters of the book are two Mistborn Skaa's (meaning they have special powers) Kelsier, and Vin. Kelsier is the leader of a thieving crew that robs from the Lord Ruler, and Vin is a member. So far the tone of the book is saturnine. Kelsier is trying to start a rebellion to usurp the Lord Ruler but most of the Skaa in Luthadel, the seat of Lord Ruler, are not enthusiastic after years and years of enslavement and previous failed attempts. Kelsier hopes to throw the city of Luthadel into chaos using Mistwraiths, amorphous monsters, then use his rebel army to take control of the Palace and eventually the government. Some Skaa in the city think that Kelsier is trying to beguile them, and others have simply accepted the stigma of being a Skaa, and have resigned to being a slave until they die. If Kelsier is able to persuade the Skaa to his cause remains to be seen...

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