Friday, January 1, 2010

I saw Avatar last week with my family in IMAX 3D. Avatar was about a marine, Jake Sully, whose mission was to negotiate a deal with the Na'vi, a 10 foot tall blue skinned species, on planet Pandora that would include the Na'vi finding a new home on the planet, for their home sits on the largest deposit of a material that humans are trying to mine. Jake Sully reached his nadir when he started sympathizing with the Na'vi, effectively betraying the human military commander on Pandora, who promised that if a negotiation couldn't be reached, he would simply blow up the Na'vi's salient home. When Jake tried to warn the Na'vi, and Jake's Na'vi lover that the military would come if they didn't relocate, the Na'vi were incensed that Jake had been part of the plan. Jake tried to save face by saying he was hectored into and that he changed his mind, but the Na'vi excoriated him anyway. In order to win back the Na'vi's trust Jake tamed a huge banshee, an act of cachet, to show what an outstanding warrior he was. The Na'vi exonerated Jake, and Jake proceeded to lead the sortie against the military that was proceeding to destroy the Na'vi's home. I won't give anymore of the movie away otherwise I might spoil it. Overall, it was an excellent movie with the best visuals of any movie produced thus far. I highly recommend it.

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